Tuesday, 10 December 2013


Chivalry : an honorable and polite way of behaving
especially toward women (Merriam-Websters' Dictionary). Chivalry characterized the medieval knights,noble men of the epic novel ages. However, civilization has not only caused decay in the system of courtship and relationship with women but has also brought to defunct the sweetness and grace of chivalry. This piece is just to enlighten, awaken or encourage the gentleness in our men.


• Men open doors for women: Be it car doors or room doors, safe her the stress and be her Knight.
• Stand when a lady enters a room and when she is leaving. It is very wrong to be sitting or lying down when she arrives your house or is leaving.
• Girls precede boys through every door except revolving doors. Don't go inside the bank and allow her deal with the security door alone. Let her go in first. But where revolving doors are applicable, it is important you go in first so you can push the door in a moderate speed she can follow in.
• Men give up their seats on buses, trains, congested rooms etc when all seats are taken and a girl is forced to stand.
• It is nice to help a girl into her coat or sweater.
• In a bar, if there is no table service, it is nice for men to place orders in a restaurant. Most African men adopt the advantage of tradition to oblige the woman to get the orders, this is rather typical and unromantic.
• If you ask for a date, prepare to foot all bills unless she asked for the date.
• The woman precede the men into the row of seats at cinemas, theatre, church, lecture hall etc.
• When a woman is taking seat at a table, the man pulls out the chair for her and when she's about leaving. Never sit until she sits.
• When walking along the road, the man walks by the side of the road while the woman walks inside the pedestrian path. This ensures she's safe from hits.
• Help a woman locate where she's going perhaps drop her off.
• Carry the greater part of the loads. It is wrong to walk out of the supermarket with just your car key while the woman deals with the loads.
•Hold her hands through the crowd or while moving through dangerous areas like crossing a road or jumping over a gutter.
• In a taxi, especially the typical Nigerian taxi where passengers are many, the woman sits in the middle while the man sits close to the door. This is also applicable in tricycles (keke). In a limited space keke, prefer the front seat instead of the girl. In a motorcycle, she seats in the middle.
• When she sleeps in a hot room without fan, take some times out of your sleep to fan her. When it is cold be sure she is covered with wrapper. Give up your coats for her perhaps.
• At all times, watch out for her. Anything that requires extra energy, do it for her instead.

These rules of courtesy does not only apply to your girlfriend, apply these to any woman and where appropriate, to any elderly person. These are simply manners of RESPECT!
***Women should however not use these rules to judge for the perfect man. If your man is not right, help him find the right way. No man is perfect with these.***

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