Thursday, 12 December 2013

RELIGION: Should we pray to destroy the enemy?

Psalm 23:5 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies...".

For those who spend time praying for the destruction of their human "enemies", a look at this Psalm of David tells you how God would love to work for you, God is not a destroyer, He does not take delight in destroying His very own creation. JESUS said that it is the duty of the thief (the devil) to kill, steal and destroy (Jn 10:10) but He comes so we may have life and have it in full.
It is worthy of note that by praying for the destruction of your human enemy you automatically become your enemy's enemy and JESUS came so that everyone MAY have life, so if JESUS was to answer all the prayers for the enemy's destruction perhaps, you, being your enemy's enemy and living today, would not still live.
Therefore mankind should not misconstrue a fellow mankind as an enemy, no, these are God's creation. Though some may be means used by the devil to tempt us, but must you destroy your clothes because it is dirty? Don't you wash them off the dirt? Why then should we destroy humans who are possessed by the devil? The prayer we should offer therefore should not be their destruction but their deliverance from the claws of the devil. From this we can see that no human is our enemy, the common enemy of mankind is the devil. The devil is the source of all evil, all sin, stealing, killing and destruction.
The blood of JESUS was shed on the cross so that you and your fellow humans, being brothers and sisters, should have life everlasting. So let us not mock the shedding of the blood by calling on the destruction of our fellow humans whom the blood is meant for. The enemy is not the human, it is the devil.
Back to the openong verse, if you destroy your said "enemy", in whose presence will God then prepare you a table? Your enemies need to be alive to see your God at work in your life so they may also change and worship your God too. The destruction of the enemy,the devil, at the right time, will be perfected by God and not us. For now JESUS has asked us to pray so we may not be tempted (Mt 26:41) as the tempter (the devil, our common enemy) is wandering in every church, every street, every home looking for whom to bring down from God's glory. May God grant us wisdom as we walk through our remaining days here on earth in JESUS' name.

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